Deskripsi Perusahaan

A new deli in Nakula who love to serve daily doses of coffee, comfort breakfast food, sandwiches , and more goodies.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

- Manage customer transactions - Scan items - Receive cash and return change - Issue proof of transactions or purchases - Greets customers when entering or leaving the store

Syarat Pekerjaan

- 1 year experience - Experience in using cutting tools and cookware - Knowledge of various cooking procedures and methods - Knowledge to use coffe machine and latte arts - Good comunication skill in English - Ability to work in team

  • Tingkat Pendidikan



  • Jenis Kelamin



  • Usia Maksimal


    35 Tahun

  • Status Kerja


  • Full Time

Ringkasan Lowongan

Kategori Profesi