Lowongan terbit 1 tahun yang lalu.

Deskripsi Perusahaan

Sebuah klink yang ada di kuta

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

manajer pemasaran meliputi memimpin survey marketing

Syarat Pekerjaan

- Plan and oversee all marketing campaigns - Implement strategy - Promote the business, products, and services - Manage and coordinate marketing and creative staff - Collaborate with media/other business organizations - Coordinate with the sales team and other departments to produce effective strategies - Analyze data to evaluate the success of their marketing efforts Drop your CV to Email : info@fusionwellness.club WhatsApp : +62 812-3752-1662 Address : Jalan Nelayan No.2 Canggu

  • Tingkat Pendidikan



  • Jenis Kelamin



  • Usia Maksimal


    35 Tahun

  • Status Kerja


  • Full Time

Ringkasan Lowongan