Lowongan terbit 8 bulan yang lalu.

Deskripsi Perusahaan

Body Lab Bali is a state-of-the-art medical spa located in the heart of Seminyak, offering the latest in non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Administered by experienced medical professionals and therapists, we use only scientifically-proven technology and dermatologist-approved products to deliver lasting results.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

- Perfrom treatments according to SOP provided - Ensure patient safety and comfort with a smooth flow of patient care - Maintain a high level of customer service - Treatment quality and treatment education - Responsible for documenting accurate and timely treatments notes

Syarat Pekerjaan

- Previous experience as SPA - Located in Bali - Raedy to start as soon as possible - Indonesian Citizen

  • Tingkat Pendidikan



  • Jenis Kelamin



  • Usia Maksimal


    35 Tahun

  • Status Kerja


  • Full Time

Ringkasan Lowongan

Kategori Profesi